Adhyatmache Vidnyan Aani Ganit


In this book the experiences about the origin of cosmos from the very first step and the journey afterwards has been given. The extracts found in the treaties with the logical method are made known from modern scientific perspectives. The Mahat-sphot concept about beyond the description of sat and asat [beyond the truth and nontruth] which is referred and indicated in Nasadiya sukta (state of singularity) is logically stretched till the present time interpretation of modern science by the author. He has rightly shown how the modern researches are parallel to the oldest concepts of our rishis and acharyas.

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In this book the experiences about the origin of cosmos from the very first step and the journey afterwards has been given. The extracts found in the treaties with the logical method are made known from modern scientific perspectives. The Mahat-sphot concept about beyond the description of sat and asat [beyond the truth and nontruth] which is referred and indicated in Nasadiya sukta (state of singularity) is logically stretched till the present time interpretation of modern science by the author. He has rightly shown how the modern researches are parallel to the oldest concepts of our rishis and acharyas.

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Weight 220 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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