Additional information
Weight | 250 kg |
Dimensions | 21.5 × 14 cm |
Weight | 250 kg |
Dimensions | 21.5 × 14 cm |
There is a focus on the requirements of the fine art students and the small advertisers in this book. Most of the people are unaware about the science of advertisement and therefore cannot gain full return through advertisement. In fact a product can be successfully advertised through the smallest advertisement with proper knowledge of it. Those who wish to work in the field of advertisement but have not takes formal education will be benefited by reading this book and others would be enlightened.
The guidelines of lord Krishna in this book are focused on the law of Karma to be followed in daily life. When one’s mind is restless, the dictums in this book, help one as guidelines.
The president of India beloved of all Indians, the scientist of modern times known by the short word ?APJ? was really a king of people ( Rajarshi) in a democratic country. He ruled over the minds of people of India. An honest, humble, and attractive personality of this man has inspired all of us. This book tells about all of his abilities and precious deeds; A perspective profile adds to the honour of Indians.
प्रेमभावना ही जीवनाची संजीवनी आहे. सहजपणे एकमेकांत मिसळून-समरसून जगण्याचा भावमूलक अध्याय आहे. म्हणूनच प्रेमाच्या वेदनेकडेसुद्धा सौंदर्यवादाच्या भूमिकेतून पाहिले जाते. परंतु प्रेमाच्या आणा-भाका घेतल्यावरही लग्नासारख्या पवित्र बंधनातून बाहेर पडून लग्नबाह्य संबंध ठेवणे, त्याला प्रेमाचे गोंडस नाव देऊन त्याच्या अस्तित्वासाठी वाट्टेल तसे वागणे, वासना व भावना यातील अंतर न कळणे आणि केलेल्या चुका पुन्हा दुरुस्त करण्याच्या आविर्भावातून नात्याची वीण घट्ट करण्याची उठाठेव करणे; असे कित्येकदा समाजजीवनात अनुभवायला मिळते. हेच वास्तवभान उर्मिला देवेन यांनी ‘द गेम ऑफ अफेअर’ या कादंबरीत मार्मिकपणे मांडले आहे.
The policy of Govt. of Maharashtra is that the judicial work should be followed in Marathi. Many judicial institutions have started working in Marathi. This book in Marathi an block or record keeping is worthy to be used. Numerous terms about legal concepts have been discussed in a related way. How to handle the problem of transforming immovable property rules, laws related to it, and how the step are to be taken, all has been discussed. The document about receipts of purchase, license, agreement contract, papers (receipts) of mortgaging etc are provided in the book. Besides it is also mentioned as to how and what precautions are to be taken while preparing purchase documents and how the knowledge about the information of owners (who is selling) properly rights, which would guide many pleaders. The method of presenting public notice is also discussed. This book is useful to the college students, pleaders and those who don?t know about legal methods.