Sajivanche Jivankalah


The struggle for existance is going on since the beginning by the life on earth by all being. Whichever of them have surirved, is now in our animal Kingdon. Many of them have extincted in this war and some are on the threshold of being extinct. The journey of this struggle and the reasons behind it explained in this book by lieu tenant G.B. Sardesai.

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The struggle for existance is going on since the beginning by the life on earth by all being. Whichever of them have surirved, is now in our animal Kingdon. Many of them have extincted in this war and some are on the threshold of being extinct. The journey of this struggle and the reasons behind it explained in this book by lieu tenant G.B. Sardesai.

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Weight 100 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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