Shakun Sanket


The unforseen and unknown events in the future can be understood through different omens. There are hints given about them through the natures, but we don’t pay proper alteration to them, we don’t understand about the hints, so ignore them. This reading is made known through 25 ancient source by the writer in this book. The amens in daily live and their meaning can provide one life worth living and better living successfully.

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The unforseen and unknown events in the future can be understood through different omens. There are hints given about them through the natures, but we don’t pay proper alteration to them, we don’t understand about the hints, so ignore them. This reading is made known through 25 ancient source by the writer in this book. The amens in daily live and their meaning can provide one life worth living and better living successfully.

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Weight 50 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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