Shree Gurugranth Saheb Parichay


Shri Gurugranthsaheb is a scripture including the poems of the saints of all cults and religions. It is a spiritual guide for the human race. It propogates Social equality of all religions, nations, races and cults. Smt. Uttara Huddar has taken labour to explain the essence of Gurugranthsaheb in simple words. This year we are celebrating booth of the publication of the treatise and hence it is befitting to make the philosophy of Gurugranthsaheb known to all.

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Shri Gurugranthsaheb is a scripture including the poems of the saints of all cults and religions. It is a spiritual guide for the human race. It propogates Social equality of all religions, nations, races and cults. Smt. Uttara Huddar has taken labour to explain the essence of Gurugranthsaheb in simple words. This year we are celebrating booth of the publication of the treatise and hence it is befitting to make the philosophy of Gurugranthsaheb known to all.

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Weight 50 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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