C.E.O. Bhumika ani Jababdari


The C.E.O. in the urban banks, credit society any other institution is an important person like the vizier in the government system. In order to be successful as C.E.O. as a chief executive officer is a difficult exercise what is his primary and important responsibility what strategies he should follow, now where and where what are the jurisdictions of his powers? All such generation answering book is made available in Marathi. The book is beneficial for the C.E.O. of today and tomorrow.

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The C.E.O. in the urban banks, credit society any other institution is an important person like the vizier in the government system. In order to be successful as C.E.O. as a chief executive officer is a difficult exercise what is his primary and important responsibility what strategies he should follow, now where and where what are the jurisdictions of his powers? All such generation answering book is made available in Marathi. The book is beneficial for the C.E.O. of today and tomorrow.

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Weight 200 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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