

The essence of Vedanta conceived in the Upanishadas are the expressions of the purest and heighted thoughts of the ancient rishis. Through them the cosmic viewpoint of the thinkers is revealed. The hidden meaning of them has been expressed in simple words of flowing language in Marathi by shri B. R. Modak. One of them is Aarunyopanishad.

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The essence of Vedanta conceived in the Upanishadas are the expressions of the purest and heighted thoughts of the ancient rishis. Through them the cosmic viewpoint of the thinkers is revealed. The hidden meaning of them has been expressed in simple words of flowing language in Marathi by shri B. R. Modak. One of them is Aarunyopanishad.

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Weight 20 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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