In the modern times of competition and strife, if the wireman Birbal comes living, how would he solve the problem of the times ahead as thin? An interesting way present guidelines to the entrepreneurs.
In the modern times of competition and strife, if the wireman Birbal comes living, how would he solve the problem of the times ahead as thin? An interesting way present guidelines to the entrepreneurs.
Weight | 100 kg |
Dimensions | 21.5 × 14 cm |
The most ancient, courteous, cultured and advanced religion in the world is Hindu religion. Unfortunately due to social, political changes, there developed deep misunderstand and ignorance about it. Many questions were raised on different aspects of it, at different times by many people. Here the efforts are made to answer them. What does our Hindu religion and its theology says about the questions to be faced in particular condition and in particular time? We have curiosity about it but the answers are not available instantly. For such people this book provides the guidelines.
In the human circulization agriculture development and progressive evolution of grains is an important developmental step. Grains, such as paddy, corn, wheat, cereal millet has been discribed in this book with is origin and development till today by Dr. K.K. Kshirsagar interestingly.
Online banking, Mobile banking, A.T.M., Debit Card, Digital Signature etc., are the modern facilities, How they are to be properly used is the subject of this book. The techinique in the banking business can be easily worked out thereby. This is called as ‘Net Banking’
There are many animals that have extincted and many are due to extinct because of the greed of man. Man has used the flesh, bones, skull, horms nails and other parts of the animals for food, medicines and also for fashionable goods. In effect many animals on the earth are no more. The whole species has extincted and only fossils or pictures of them are avialabe. The writer G.B. Sardesai has given information about many such animals which had been allve on the earth but are not found at any part of the world today. Some other animals are also on the way of being extincted and so deliberate efforts to help them to live is an urgent need.