Janukanchi Kimaya


Starting from what is the gene? to what sort of fullphased change is made possible by the functions of genes is the subject of this book. One gets uptodate scientific information on all scientific aspects of working of genes in simple language with appropriate pictures. There are eight coloured pages contributed to show the steps in the discovery of genes by Dr. Pratibha Sahastrabuddhe, the writer.

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Starting from what is the gene? to what sort of fullphased change is made possible by the functions of genes is the subject of this book. One gets uptodate scientific information on all scientific aspects of working of genes in simple language with appropriate pictures. There are eight coloured pages contributed to show the steps in the discovery of genes by Dr. Pratibha Sahastrabuddhe, the writer.

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Weight 150 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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