Mahamanav Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj


This is a book written to answer the pervert comments made by James Lane in his book. Who with prejudiced mind has made comments on Shivaji. How these comments are biased and are distorted has been established with the presentation of the historical facts by the writer. All of us, who have earnest concern for the real history and also about Shivaji must read this book. A powerful refutation by the writer appeals to the reader and disproves the pervert views. Dr. Pramod Pathak

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This is a book written to answer the pervert comments made by James Lane in his book. Who with prejudiced mind has made comments on Shivaji. How these comments are biased and are distorted has been established with the presentation of the historical facts by the writer. All of us, who have earnest concern for the real history and also about Shivaji must read this book. A powerful refutation by the writer appeals to the reader and disproves the pervert views. Dr. Pramod Pathak

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Weight 100 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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