Nakshalvadache Avhan


The problem of the challenge of the Naxalism is becoming unbearable and complicated day by day. The government and public both dont pay proper attention to this critical problem seriously. They dont know that the Naxalism is not just a problem to be handeled but it is a war in disguise. The Challenge of Naxalism is discussed with all its aspects with the help of pictures, the amount of loss of manpower with statistic in this book. What is to be done to deal with the problem is also discussed with an authoratative manner. -Brigadier Hemant Mahajan.

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The problem of the challenge of the Naxalism is becoming unbearable and complicated day by day. The government and public both dont pay proper attention to this critical problem seriously. They dont know that the Naxalism is not just a problem to be handeled but it is a war in disguise. The Challenge of Naxalism is discussed with all its aspects with the help of pictures, the amount of loss of manpower with statistic in this book. What is to be done to deal with the problem is also discussed with an authoratative manner. -Brigadier Hemant Mahajan.

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Weight 300 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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In this upanishad too how the cosmic knowledge can be achieved and brought into daily life style is revealed by the writer. Infact the writer shri B. R. Modak has published a series of main upanishadas, the text and interpretation is worth reading for all, who are proud of our noble heritage. One of them is Atmopanishad linking the individual being to the cosmic consciousness.