Gramgeeta Aani Gram Rakshan


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Weight 25 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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Parikshela Jata Jata


This book provides guidelines to the student vth to 12 th academic years for examination. from different aspects and dimension about the examination the fear and excitement, panic frights, awes and dread about the examination can be mastered through them. The examples given can provide positive thinking of encouragement in the minds of the students.

Mahabhartatil Vidurniti


Vidur is a balanced and pious Character in the epic of Mahabharat. He was honoured as the only gentleman in the wicked kawarvas by Lord Krishna who stayed at his home while playing deplomatic tactics in Udyogparva (a chapter of Mahabharat) Krishna had gone there to avoid was as a messenger of Pandwas to avoid the war. The 33-40 chapters of the (udyogaparva) are about the advice, Vidura gave to Dhrutarashtra the father of Kaurawas for maintainance of peace, law and order in the society. This Mahabharatian advice is valuable because it includes all pervading cosmic order to be followed by all governmental heads all times. Vidur neeti is a precious peace of Indian political thought translated in Marathi.

C.E.O. Bhumika ani Jababdari


The C.E.O. in the urban banks, credit society any other institution is an important person like the vizier in the government system. In order to be successful as C.E.O. as a chief executive officer is a difficult exercise what is his primary and important responsibility what strategies he should follow, now where and where what are the jurisdictions of his powers? All such generation answering book is made available in Marathi. The book is beneficial for the C.E.O. of today and tomorrow.

Vishwavyapi Hindu Sanskruti


India is the most ancient and cultured country in the would. The culture of India, which was most prosperious in ancient times, not only in Indian territory but all over the world in all continents. The proofs of it are becoming available to the learned. The book is a studious collection of articles on the subject, the reading of which makes one proud about our past.



To become successful and happy, you have to follow and master tactful diplomacy. This is the real wisdom of life taught through Panchatantra, the modern education of the management taught in the famous management schools. The wisdom, diplomacy, genuily which is to be developed into your personality to presented in it through small stories. Which are interesting to understand and follow compilation