Jagatik Khagolshatradnya


The world astronomers listed in this book belong to the ancient times. Inall 49 astronomirs have been described who have added valuable knowledge to the science. The work they had done along with their life stories can be read in this book. There are 13 Indian astronomers among 49 in total. Shri. Prakash Manikpure is the writer of the book.

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The world astronomers listed in this book belong to the ancient times. Inall 49 astronomirs have been described who have added valuable knowledge to the science. The work they had done along with their life stories can be read in this book. There are 13 Indian astronomers among 49 in total. Shri. Prakash Manikpure is the writer of the book.

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Weight 150 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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