Rashtra Chintan – Samaj Chintan


This book is written mainly from the old points of views and thinking, linking them to the modern atmosphere. The heartful attachment with deep emotional appeal to the modern mind for thought full public adjustment, without selfish, wild mottoes guiding them. The racial and caste based barriers causing harmful actions needs this type of balanced guidelines, which the book provides successfully.

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This book is written mainly from the old points of views and thinking, linking them to the modern atmosphere. The heartful attachment with deep emotional appeal to the modern mind for thought full public adjustment, without selfish, wild mottoes guiding them. The racial and caste based barriers causing harmful actions needs this type of balanced guidelines, which the book provides successfully.

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Weight 50 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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This treatise is an ought for are and all farmers. It includes the chart for wages for a week, month and year, including what the workers on daily wages, monthly and yearly wages are to be given and what they had taken in advance from time to time, There are also charts for the regular work and service to be done in fields and duties towards material used, pesticides and other that vie tractor, harrow plough and also about the care to be taken about them and the animals related to forming. The income, outgoing food material, and the balance all can be written and kept in order through this book com diary.

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Day by day the member of private collages developing. Simultaneously problems about their management is also growing fast. This is a key book for this purpose.