Additional information
Weight | 100 kg |
Dimensions | 21.5 × 14 cm |
Weight | 100 kg |
Dimensions | 21.5 × 14 cm |
The Islamic role is expanded on a large area the population of it too is vast The distructive deeds by this Eslamic Society has frightened the world along with India and also has made the world cautious. Many sensational events are occuring here and there which we cant even imagin. We observe that at each day some sort of change is taking place, somewhere in the Islamic country. This book describes the Islimic world of the 21st century. It is not a book about the study of Islamic religion, nor does it. Comment on their philosophy. It only tells about the happenings in that world, so as to make the reader know in details about the flow of events.
This is a book of short stories which are instructive. The positive and negative aspects of life, success and failures one has to face have been the subjects of the stories which help to develop positive view about life
The contribution of the women in the field of science is available in this book in Marathi for the first time. There are 31 women scientists inall whose life and endeavour in the scientific field is discussed by Shri. Prakash Manikpure.
प्रेमभावना ही जीवनाची संजीवनी आहे. सहजपणे एकमेकांत मिसळून-समरसून जगण्याचा भावमूलक अध्याय आहे. म्हणूनच प्रेमाच्या वेदनेकडेसुद्धा सौंदर्यवादाच्या भूमिकेतून पाहिले जाते. परंतु प्रेमाच्या आणा-भाका घेतल्यावरही लग्नासारख्या पवित्र बंधनातून बाहेर पडून लग्नबाह्य संबंध ठेवणे, त्याला प्रेमाचे गोंडस नाव देऊन त्याच्या अस्तित्वासाठी वाट्टेल तसे वागणे, वासना व भावना यातील अंतर न कळणे आणि केलेल्या चुका पुन्हा दुरुस्त करण्याच्या आविर्भावातून नात्याची वीण घट्ट करण्याची उठाठेव करणे; असे कित्येकदा समाजजीवनात अनुभवायला मिळते. हेच वास्तवभान उर्मिला देवेन यांनी ‘द गेम ऑफ अफेअर’ या कादंबरीत मार्मिकपणे मांडले आहे.
Who does not favor success? But alas! it is not availed by each and everyone? Why so? Because one has to understand the mystry about the methodology about it. How can one become successful this book gives hints, tips about positive aspect and how it is to be in one’s personality In all it is a source of inspiration. Read and follow the hints like others and become successful.