Additional information
Weight | 350 kg |
Dimensions | 22 × 2 × 29 cm |
Weight | 350 kg |
Dimensions | 22 × 2 × 29 cm |
प्रेमभावना ही जीवनाची संजीवनी आहे. सहजपणे एकमेकांत मिसळून-समरसून जगण्याचा भावमूलक अध्याय आहे. म्हणूनच प्रेमाच्या वेदनेकडेसुद्धा सौंदर्यवादाच्या भूमिकेतून पाहिले जाते. परंतु प्रेमाच्या आणा-भाका घेतल्यावरही लग्नासारख्या पवित्र बंधनातून बाहेर पडून लग्नबाह्य संबंध ठेवणे, त्याला प्रेमाचे गोंडस नाव देऊन त्याच्या अस्तित्वासाठी वाट्टेल तसे वागणे, वासना व भावना यातील अंतर न कळणे आणि केलेल्या चुका पुन्हा दुरुस्त करण्याच्या आविर्भावातून नात्याची वीण घट्ट करण्याची उठाठेव करणे; असे कित्येकदा समाजजीवनात अनुभवायला मिळते. हेच वास्तवभान उर्मिला देवेन यांनी ‘द गेम ऑफ अफेअर’ या कादंबरीत मार्मिकपणे मांडले आहे.
In this book the reader is enlightened about the structure, work and advantages of the military. Those who are interested in this subject would get ample information and others too will enjoy the reading for general Knowledge sake. One will be able to differentiate in Indian Army and in armed forces and know about the history and present day positions of army. Reading of the book may inspire and motivate the youth to join military. The book has also discussed the methods of selection of the Army by colonal Abhya Patwardhan
Marriage ceremony, right from the selection of bride and groom, till its successful ending includes many problem. Marriage the emotional aspect of both parties, with successful handling of all rituals is the subject of this book. The ceremony can get performed economically, with orderliness, and playfully, one get hints about through this book. The meaning & the purpose marriage, how the management should be done, the budget, religious rituals to be performed in order each and every aspect is discussed. One can get satisfactory answers to all problems related to marriage ceremony & its management.
The Islamic role is expanded on a large area the population of it too is vast The distructive deeds by this Eslamic Society has frightened the world along with India and also has made the world cautious. Many sensational events are occuring here and there which we cant even imagin. We observe that at each day some sort of change is taking place, somewhere in the Islamic country. This book describes the Islimic world of the 21st century. It is not a book about the study of Islamic religion, nor does it. Comment on their philosophy. It only tells about the happenings in that world, so as to make the reader know in details about the flow of events.
Like the urban banks law the credit societies establish policies written form on subjects. It has become compulsory and necessary also the coming days the need about the knowledge about it is increasing. The ready made policy writer Avinash shaligram has written the book for credit societies also, take these policies and use them for your institution is the motto of the book