Additional information
Weight | 100 kg |
Dimensions | 21.5 × 14 cm |
Weight | 100 kg |
Dimensions | 21.5 × 14 cm |
The employee is called a ‘Shipai’, ‘Hawaldar’, ‘Driver’, ‘Helper’ or by some other words. All of the success of the institutional work. Whoever comes to the institute has to contact anyone of them at the beginning. These workers of different departments are therefore need to be educated in the work of the institution particularly in banking. This book is writtern taking into consideration all these aspects.
This treatise is an ought for are and all farmers. It includes the chart for wages for a week, month and year, including what the workers on daily wages, monthly and yearly wages are to be given and what they had taken in advance from time to time, There are also charts for the regular work and service to be done in fields and duties towards material used, pesticides and other that vie tractor, harrow plough and also about the care to be taken about them and the animals related to forming. The income, outgoing food material, and the balance all can be written and kept in order through this book com diary.
MaharshiBhrugu is a symbol of the highest genious of human intellect. He was profecient in many fields of knowledge. His was the fundamental research work in many ancient scientific branches. The full-phased description about the life and astonishing work can be read in this book by Shri. Vijay Yangalwar.
Marriage ceremony, right from the selection of bride and groom, till its successful ending includes many problem. Marriage the emotional aspect of both parties, with successful handling of all rituals is the subject of this book. The ceremony can get performed economically, with orderliness, and playfully, one get hints about through this book. The meaning & the purpose marriage, how the management should be done, the budget, religious rituals to be performed in order each and every aspect is discussed. One can get satisfactory answers to all problems related to marriage ceremony & its management.
In this book the experiences about the origin of cosmos from the very first step and the journey afterwards has been given. The extracts found in the treaties with the logical method are made known from modern scientific perspectives. The Mahat-sphot concept about beyond the description of sat and asat [beyond the truth and nontruth] which is referred and indicated in Nasadiya sukta (state of singularity) is logically stretched till the present time interpretation of modern science by the author. He has rightly shown how the modern researches are parallel to the oldest concepts of our rishis and acharyas.
The book is written in the International year for mathematics in which Nachiket Publishing has paid homage to all mathematicians in the world from ancient period to the modern times. There is information about 100 mathematicians made avialable for the first time in Marathi. Writer Prakash Manikpure.