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Parikshela Jata Jata


This book provides guidelines to the student vth to 12 th academic years for examination. from different aspects and dimension about the examination the fear and excitement, panic frights, awes and dread about the examination can be mastered through them. The examples given can provide positive thinking of encouragement in the minds of the students.

Reflections of Wisdom


This book is a sequel to the author’s first book, “You Are A Product- How Value Addition Will Help You Stand Out From The Crowd”, the central theme of which is Value Addition. In this book, the author takes you through his journey from childhood to the pinnacle of his corporate life, acknowledging the life lessons and values imparted to him by his Parents, Spouse, Spiritual and Corporate Gurus, and People who inspired and shaped his personal and professional life. The author urges all to reflect on their life journey and remember with gratitude, the people who were instrumental in shaping their lives. The author believes that “We are like soft clay. Our Parents, Spiritual and Corporate Gurus, and People who inspire us are potters who mold us into a beautiful valuable masterpiece.”