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HomeHealth & Fitness
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₹200.00Mudra is a unique Indian science. There is vast philosophy behind it. Its uses, science behind it, its methods and philosophy behind, all such factors are discussed in this book. The changes observed in human body by the practice of mudras are explained with the innerbody pholographs called as Urja (energy) photographs with the most modern photographic technique is a special feature of this book. The method of making mudras the changes occuring due to them, the causes behind, are the factors explained by the writer Shri. R.M. Pujari and Shri. Sunil Khankhoje in colaboration.
Sarvansathi Yogasane
₹35.00This is a small book about yogic posters/yogasanas which is useful for each and everyone to follow daily, through handy book, you can perform the as there are pictures and modes of the asamas shown.
Surya Namaskar
₹30.00Health is becoming an important question day by day. An easy and effective answer of it is Surya Namaskar, a method of physical exercise, which is described with proper guidelines. The writer had conducted 5000 health camps, teaching and propagating the Surya Namaskars. Vitthalarao Jibhakate has written this book for the benefit of all of us
Swasth Sukte Sankshipt
₹50.00In the Aayurveda, the Indians had studied and established the health of all members in the society in full extent. In this book are can read and know about 10 Sanskrit shlokas out of 20 in Marathi transfer. The right concept about the health can beg of through this book.
Swayampak Gharatil Aushodhopachar
₹50.00In our Kitchen, there are many such things available, which are useful as medicines, Vaidya Shri. R. M. Pujari has given fall information about the household materials and then medical importance, with the hints useful to every housewife.
Tambakhupasun Sutka
₹100.00The addiction of tobacoo is very dangerous, get no one understands its drastic effect in proper perception. In this book means to get rid of addiction have been presented which can prove a to mankind.